Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) + Credential Learning Outcomes

PLO1: Core Knowledge 

Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate general knowledge of educational research and theory sufficient to critically analyze instructional practices in relation to student learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to collect and analyze data gathered from classrooms and other educational settings
  • Demonstrate specialized pedagogical knowledge related to a subject specific discipline
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify problems of practice and to locate innovations that can address problems

PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis  

Students will be able to:

  • Design a sound action research study grounded in relevant peer-reviewed research
  • Conduct a review of research on specific topics in education in order to inform instructional decision making
  • Analyze and compare various theories of curriculum, learning and instruction
  • Conduct field-based observations and collect ethnographic fieldnotes
  • Develop case studies to inform pedagogical decision-making
  • Draw on research-based knowledge to identify and understand school-based problems
  • Evaluate their own teaching practices and subject matter knowledge in light of information about the state-adopted academic content standards and relevant research

PLO3: Pedagogy

Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate competence in pedagogy as defined by the Teaching Performance Expectations established by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Those skills fall under following broad categories:
    • Making subject matter comprehensible to students  
    • Assessing student learning
    • Engaging and supporting students in learning  
    • Planning instruction and designing learning experiences for students  
    • Creating and maintaining effective environments for student learning
    • Developing as a professional educator

    PLO4: Scholarly Communication

    Students will be able to:

    • Structure a coherent academic argument that presents and evaluates evidence to support claims
    • Understand and properly use styles of citing and referencing found in educational research outlets
    • Make clear and cogent oral presentations
    • Work collaboratively with peers to develop a research question and design an action research study
    • Develop language and practices for communicating with parents, school-based leaders, colleagues and teachers, and students

    PLO5: Professionalism

    Students will be able to:


    • Demonstrate professionalism as defined by the Teaching Performance Expectations established by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

    We’re here to help. Please contact Venette Van Duyn to request services.