Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy Ph.D. Learning Outcomes
1. Critically apply theories, methodologies, and knowledge to address fundamental questions in the area of planning and policy. (Research, Critical Thinking, Content Knowledge)
- Taught through coursework, engagement with faculty and faculty research and feedback from faculty.
- Individuals assessed through comprehensive exams.
- Program assessed through % of students passing comprehensive exams within 6 months of exam date.
2. Pursue research of significance in planning and policy. Students plan and conduct this research or implement this project under the guidance of an advisor while developing the intellectual independence that typifies true scholarship. (Research, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Taught through coursework, engagement with faculty and faculty research and feedback from faculty.
- Individuals assessed by advancement committee and dissertation committee in prospectus defense and dissertation defense respectively.
- Program assessed by % of students advancing and % of students defending dissertation.
3. Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication sufficient to publish and present work in their field and to prepare grant proposals. (Communication)
- Taught through professional development workshops and feedback from faculty on writing efforts.
- Individuals assessed by advisor (or co-advisors) through writing grant proposals, dissertation chapters and articles for publication.
- Program assessed by # of publications authored or co-authored by students.
4. Follow the principles of ethics in their field and in academia. (Ethics)
- Taught through TA training and professional development workshops.
- Individuals assessed by advisor (or co-advisors), through student work with their advisor(s) as they submit their intended research for IRB (Human Subjects) review.and by professors for whom the student serves as Teaching Assistant.
- Program assessed by # of students completing TA training and by provision of professional development workshop discussing ethics.
5. Demonstrate a mastery of skills and knowledge at a level required for college and university undergraduate teaching in policy and planning and participate in the assessment of student learning. (Content Knowledge, Teaching)
- Taught through coursework and TA training.
- Individuals assessed by professors for whom the student serves as Teaching Assistant.
- Program assessed by # of students TAing or teaching courses in their field of specialization.
6. Interact productively, professionally and with integrity with people from diverse backgrounds. (Communication, Leadership)
- Taught through TA training, professional development workshops and through example.
- Individuals assessed by advisor (or co-advisors) and by professors for whom the student serves as Teaching Assistant.
- Program assessed by diversity of students in courses TA’d or taught by PhD students.
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