CAAR leads UCI through the assessment of student learning outcomes process, and we conduct applied research studies on all aspects of the student experience.

UC Undergraduate Experience Survey 2020

*** The UC Undergraduate Experience Survey is now closed ***
Undergraduates — Tell us about life at UC Irvine.
We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has made this academic year both unusual and challenging, and we appreciate your understanding as we navigate this rapidly evolving situation. What remains constant, however, is UC Irvine’s goal of supporting our students and providing them with the best possible undergraduate experience. It is now even more important that we learn about your current experiences and challenges, and also your overall experience at UCI.

Please help us by completing the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES). The information you provide on the survey will inform and improve how we respond to such challenges in the future and give us valuable information on your overall academic experience during your time at our campus.

The survey is now closed.
A big thank you to everyone who has taken our survey. By sharing your thoughts, you will help faculty and administrators who work to improve your experiences at UCI. The system-wide survey is offered every two years so you will have a chance to voice your views again in Spring 2022.

Prize winners are notified by e-mail so please respond if you receive a prize notification from ucues@uci.edu.

Log in using your UCInetID and password. TAKE THE UCUES